Book review: Magie lumineuse
Type of text: Review
Author: TEBRA, Willem (c.1927-1996)
Contained in: The new magic lantern journal: volume 2 number 2 (January 1982), pp.12-14
Main subjects:
Subjects: magic lantern – history
magic lantern – uses – lanternists
magic lantern – uses – phantasmagoria
other optical media – shadow theatre
slides – moving
slides – photographic
slides – production of
slides – transfer
Hardware: Argand lamp (oil-based illuminant)
Camera obscura
Electric arc light
Paraffin illuminant (oil-based illuminant)
People: DESCH, E. (fl.1850s-1910s)
LAPIERRE, Auguste ( ? - ? )
LAPIERRE, Edouard ( ? - ? )
LIEBERKüHN, Johann Nathanael (1711-1756)
NOLLET, Abbé Jean-Antoine (1700-1770)
REMISE, Jac (1927-2016)
ROBERTSON, Etienne Gaspard (1763-1837)
VAN MUSSCHENBROEK, Pieter (1692-1761)
WALGENSTEN, Thomas Rasmussen (c.1627-1681)
Organisations: A. Molteni
Other references:
Hardware: Limelight
Slide type: pulley slide: double pulley slide -- chromatrope
People: CARETTE, Georges (1861-1954)
DA VINCI, Leonardo (1452-1519)
DELLA PORTA, Giambattista (c.1535-1615)
DRUMMOND, Lieutenant Thomas (1797-1840)
HUYGENS, Christiaan (1629-1695)
IBN AL-HAYTHAM, Abu Ali al-Hasan ibn al-Hasan (c.965-c.1040)
KIRCHER, Athanasius (1602-1680)
LANGENHEIM, Frederick (1809-1879)
LANGENHEIM, William (1807-1874)
QUINQUET, Antoine (1745-1803)
REMISE, Pascale
ZAHN, Johannes (1641-1707)
Organisations: Chat Noir shadow theatre
John Millikin & Co.
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This item is copyright © 1982-2025, Willem Tebra and the Magic Lantern Society, but is made available to download free of charge for any legal non-commercial purpose. If you have any questions about using this item please Contact us.
If you use information from this item in any published form, please acknowledge the source using the following (or an equivalent) citation style:
‘Book review: Magie lumineuse’ in The new magic lantern journal: volume 2 number 2 (January 1982), pp.12-14. Reproduced by courtesy of the Magic Lantern Society,, accessed 26 January 2025.